Disassembly of FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of Middletown, Ohio by ResErections, Inc.
March & April
The cleanup is a shovel, wheel barrow, bobcat operation.
Sanctuary floor will not support bobcat inside. Secure tool storage 8’ x 15’ container.
Sanctuary Stage ... Fire damage on left. Scaffolding holding up for safety.
Opening up the building for Laser Scanning
Gothic Revival Window casings. North Addition - Fire Damaged
More Gothic Revival Window casements. Visually, the irregular shaped stones seem to have no pattern. However, several walls are identical, with the same numbered stone in the same relative position.
3D Engineering laser scanned the building. Jared setting up .. cold morning
The white balls are placed randomly. Their positions in the point cloud allow different scans to be knit together.
Initial Laser Scan of the church - scanned data of the church into a full and connected point cloud
Looking up into the tower. Stairs deleted by the fire.
Setting up scaffolding
Frank and William removing stone
We figured out quickly that heavy equipment was required to handle the stone. We came to the conclusion that we needed to minimize the number of times a stone is handled by moving the pallets up to the work level and boxing and stacking the stones at the time they are removed. We aquired a Bobcat and 55' High Lift which greatly enhanced our ability to deal with heavy weights at heights we will encounter on the church. This saved manpower, eliminate confusion, and speed the work substantially.
Recovering an 800 lb lintel ... Note forks holding board to keep lintel from cracking.
Window Surround Stones Lee - numbering the stones
We will be boxing all stones to support multiple layers of stone to get maximum weights per pallet. Rocks in the box to maximize truckloads. A finished 3 layer box weighing 2,370 lbs. Layers separated by straw and corrugated.
May 30 - Work Stopped by Asbestos
We thought that there was asbestos in the fire damaged church, but not much. After inspection by H&H Environmental, laboratory samples indicated widespread asbestos. Asbestos lining the pipes broken up by the fire and weathering is now in the layer of debris you can see here on the floor of the basement. Because this was a public building, extreme fire protection with asbestos was standard for the era, so there is a lot of it in the church. The contamination was much worse than expected.
The asbestos in the basement must be removed by an experienced contractor before we can return to work recovering the stone and architectural components of the building. As a result, we have suspended work on the site until the EPA and Ohio authorities approve cleanup plans and our original cost budget is augmented by grants from various governmental and private sources.
The $ 51,000 asbestos cleanup program took cooperation between the EPA, Middletown, Ohio, and several corporate partners. Funds were provided by Revival, the Middletown City Council, and an Ohio Moving Forward Grant. Once asbestos cleanup is completed by H&H Environmental, work on recovery of the stone will commence.
My Office.
This web site is averaging 60 visits and 220 page reads per day. In May, here is the geography of interested visitors. Multiple visits per flag .. 12 visits from Chicago.
Go To Daily Work - Fall We recommenced operations in August
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